
Synthetic methanol for shipping: EUR 9.7 mn for European project “POSEIDON”

Synthetic methanol for shipping: EUR 9.7 mn for European project “POSEIDON”

Horizon Europe project POSEIDON has just kicked off: the POSEIDON project officially started on September 1st 2023. It focuses on the production and the use of synthetic methanol (e-methanol) as fuel in shipping based on the demonstration of a step-change technology already piloted by ICODOS and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

  • POSEIDON as key enabler of sustainable methanol value chains incl. demonstration of TRL 7 synthetic methanol production plant based on a step-change technology already piloted by ICODOS and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
  • POSEIDON is receiving funding from the European Union’s research and innovation programme with the European Commission co-funding the project with nearly € 9,7 million. Activities of Swiss project partner WinGD in POSEIDON will be co-funded accordingly by the Swiss Government.
  • The project, coordinated by European Institute for Energy Research (EIFER), started in September 2023 and consists of 19 partners along the methanol value chain from 7 European countries.

POSEIDON as key enabler of new value chains based on synthetic methanol

The overall goal of the POSEIDON project is to demonstrate the use of synthetic methanol for the decarbonization of the shipping sector. This will be achieved by preparing the implementation of local value chains based on e-methanol as fuel for shipping in the ports of Valencia-Spain and Thessaloniki-Greece and demonstrating a TRL 7 e-methanol production plant based on a step-change technology already piloted by ICODOS and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). The plant built by ICODOS at the energy lab Les Reunières of EDF (Electricité de France) south of Paris will be tested in relevant operational environments and the produced e-methanol will be used in 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines to evaluate the fuel quality and compatibility. Detailed technical, economic, environmental, and social assessments will be performed to quantify the economic value created under different scenarios and to identify potential barriers and optimisation potentials.

A revolutionary method for the most cost-efficient production of synthetic methanol

ICODOS and KIT have developed a step-change process that revolutionizes methanol production. The technology enables the most cost-efficient production of synthetic methanol from non-fossil feedstocks. The technology will enable a methanol economy in which the utilized carbon is used in a continuous cycle instead of generating additional CO2 emissions.

POSEIDON as a driver of fossil fuels removal and decarbonization of shipping industry

The maritime industry emits around 1.1 billion metric tons of CO₂ yearly, accounting for roughly three percent of global CO2 emissions, and other harmful pollutants like sulfur, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter. Replacing fossil with sustainable fuels can save a gigaton of CO2 every year. POSEIDON enables the transition towards synthetic methanol as an alternative fuel in EU ports, minimizing reliance on fossil fuels and, additionally, reducing economic and political vulnerabilities. With the consistent adoption of synthetic methanol fuel solutions, the EU is positioned to significantly lower carbon emissions in its ports and shipping sector.


The POSEIDON project aims to facilitate the use of e-methanol as e-fuel in shipping by demonstrating innovative solutions along the value chain steps: 1. two complementary CO2 valorisation routes – biogenic CO2 from a biogas plant and industrial plant from a lime plant will be investigated, 2. A new hybrid TRL7 power-to-e-methanol technology will be built and demonstrated within a test platform allowing to re-create real case studies conditions, 3. The produced e-fuel will be tested in 2- and 4-stroke engines at testing facilities and in a pilot boat in open sea to confirm its applicability. The project will also pave the way for the future implementation of e-methanol value chains in the port areas of Valencia and Thessaloniki. Communities of practice gathering project partners and external local stakeholders interested in the e-fuel transition will be created.

The project, coordinated by European Institute for Energy Research (EIFER), started in September 2023 and will run until August 2027. The consortium consists of a well-balanced team of industrial partners (8), research partners (5), business support organisations (2), ports (2), an association and a public agency: EIFER, EDF, KIT, RINA, Fundación Valenciaport, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, ICODOS, Fincantieri, Isotta Fraschini Motori – IFM, Winterthur Gas & Diesel (WinGD), Steinbeis Europa Zentrum, Global Omnium, Port of Thessaloniki, CERTH, CNR-STEMS, Swedish maritime administration, Inventors, CAO Hellas, and AVEBIOM.

POSEIDON is receiving funding from the European Union’s research and innovation programme under grant agreement 101117616. The European Commission is co-funding the project with nearly € 9,7 million. Activities of Swiss project partner WinGD in POSEIDON will be co-funded accordingly by the Swiss Government.

Press Contacts

David Strittmatter, ICODOS
Press contact ICODOS

David Eyler, EIFER
POSEIDON coordinator

Paul Haering, Steinbeis Europa Zentrum
POSEIDON communication leader

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